【Latest Update:2020/5/5】Trading Goods(Others) List

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 - Trading Goods(Others) - 
Limited Coaster
(Digimon Adventure tri. Festival in Kiddy Land)
Sticker【Partner Digimon Costume Pattern】
(Digimon Adventure tri. Festival 2 in Kiddy Land)

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Sticker【Partner Digimon Costume Pattern】(Digimon Adventure tri. Festival 2 in Kiddy Land)

Product Name:ステッカー(パートナー着ぐるみ柄)
English Translation of Product Name:Sticker(Partner Digimon Costume Pattern)
Category:Trading Goods(Others)
No. of Types:9
Price: Not for sale
Released Date:16th Sep, 2017~22nd Sep, 2017
Released Region:Japan
Note:Give out one randomly as free gift when you purchase every ¥1,000JPY(Tax included) Digimon related items
at event Digimon Adventure tri. Festival 2 in Kiddy Land(「デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 祭 2 in キデイランド」).

Event Digimon Adventure tri. Festival 2 in Kiddy Land lasts for two weeks, which is from 16th Sep, 2017~28th Sep, 2017.
They give out different stickers for the first week and the second week. This set is the pattern for the first week.
The main characters are dressing up as their partner Digimons and they are evolution forms of the past event!
Check the following banner too!▼
Limited Coaster(Digimon Adventure tri. Festival in Kiddy Land)

▲Tai Kamiya X Greymon

▲Matt Ishida X Garurumon

▲T.K. Takahashi X Angemon

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Limited Coaster(Digimon Adventure tri. Festival in Kiddy Land)

Product Name:限定コースター
English Translation of Product Name:Limited Coaster
Category:Trading Goods(Others)
No. of Types:9
Price: Not for sale
Released Date:11th Feb, 2017~23rd Feb, 2017
Released Region:Japan
Note:Give out one randomly as free gift when you purchase every ¥1,000JPY(Tax included) Digimon related items
at event Digimon Adventure tri. Festival in Kiddy Land(「デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 祭 in キデイランド」)

▲9 Types in total
Main characters in Digimon Adventure Tri., who are dressing up as their partner Digimons.

▲Tai Kamiya X Agumon

▲Matt Ishida X Gabumon

▲T.K. Takahashi X Patamon (more…)

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