
The Group “新生數碼同盟(SDCI)” was established in October 2014, opened officially on 1st December in the same year.
The name of the group was changed to DIGIMON SECRET BASE later in October 2019. 
This site is the Digimon Merchandise Database created by the site owner.
In here, we share the information of the Digimon Merchandise that was released.
All the collection introduced here is the site’s owner’s private collection。
【Philosophy and Mission】
Digimon is a very important brand to me.
Digimon has changed my entire life and because of it, I am able to stand here now.
In October 2014, realizing there was not any Digimon Merchandise Database,
and also a good platform to discuss Digimon in Hong Kong,
I determined to create a fan group and a site, trying to give my full support to my favourite brand.
I hope more people will get interested in Digimon,
and I would like to share various information about Digimon with all of you.
Nickname”迪”,born in Hong  Kong and started living in Japan since 2014.
The reason of choosing to live in Japan is also because of Digimon!!
Created the Group in October of the same year, and has held serval events in Hong Kong these few years.

On 11th September, 2019, I have officially become the world record holder of “Largest Collection of Digimon Memorabilia”, that is recognized by the Guinness World Records.
(The accurate date of achievement is 3rd May)
The recorded number of items is 18,264, excluding duplication.
I was so lucky that Mr.Kakudo Hiroyuki, the Series Director of ”Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02’’ and Mr.Watanabe Kenji, the Character Designer of Digimon, have taken their precious time to participate in the record.
I couldn’t have done this without their support.
In 2020, I am trying to break my former record!!

Recently, I am active in social medias, please feel free to follow〜!
Twitter(Personal Account/Mainly Japanese): @AKAI_OKIYO
Instagram(Personal Account/Mainly Chinese and English): @akai_okiyo
Facebook Fan Group(Mainly Cantonese):DigimonSecretBase
E-Mail Address(Personal):ngtydm@gmail.com
【Terms and Rights】
  1. Reproduction of any images, texts, or data(excluding the web link of the homepage) in this website is strictly prohibited. Please seek permission to use. Once discovered, we would request to delete and we reserve the right to claim any compensation for any damages or losses.
  2. Apart from the information of the merchandise, they are all personal comments and NOT official. Please kindly inform us if there are any mistakes in the information. Thank you!
  3. This is a fan-made unofficial site, with no commercial value. The copyright of “Digimon/Digital Monsters” belongs to ©本郷あきよし・東映アニメーション  /  ©BANDAI.
  4. To the maximum extent Digimon Secret Base accepts no responsibility or liability for loss which may arise from accessing or reliance on information or opinions contained in this site.
  5. We reserve the right of final decision on the interpretation of above Terms and Conditions.