Digimon Adventure Metal Case

Product Name:數碼暴龍01 鐵盒
English Translation of Product Name:Digimon Adventure Metal Case
Category:Daily Goods (Hong Kong/Overseas)
Price: Not for sale
Released Date:Year 2000
Released Region:Hong Kong
Note:Free gift of Hong Kong comic magazine《CO-CO!》

▲Front View
The design of the box is one of the key visual images of Digimon Adventure, with Tai, Greymon and Garurumon.
After decades the case has become rusty but it was not used at all.

▲Back View
The back of the box states the show was on air every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:00 to 17:30.
Watermark of 《CO-CO!》can bee found in the background too.

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