【Latest Update:2020/4/14】Digimon Figures(Overseas) List

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 - Digivolving Series - 
Growlmon Limited Edition


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【Digivolving Series】Growlmon Limited Edition

Product Name:Digivolving Growlmon Limited Edition
English Translation of Product Name:NIL
Series:Digivolving Series
Item Number:#13364

Price: Unknown

Released Date:Year2002
Released Region:U.S., Hong Kong etc.
※In Hong Kong, this item was sold as a limited item at events and exhibitions.

This is the Digivolving Series Toys of Growlmon<=>Wargrowlmon.
In Japan, only colored version is released but in overseas, there is a plated version.
Not the whole figure but some parts are plated, which the finished look is very awesome.
One Bonus Holo card is attached. For this time it is Wargrowlmon.
Card Information:ID#364/DP450

▲Front View

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