This is the Digimon Merchandise Database created by DIGIMON SECRET BASE. In here, we share the information of the Digimon Merchandise that was released.
The collection is the site’s owner’s private collection, hoping more people get interested in Digimon by creating a merchandise database.This is a fan-made unofficial site, with no commercial value.
For further information of this site and the site owner, please go to the following page “About”.
We also have a Facebook fan group based in Hong Kong:DIGIMON SECRET BASE-香港數碼暴龍非官方同好會
Reproduction of any images, texts, or data(excluding the web link of the homepage) in this website is strictly prohibited. Please seek permission to use.Once discovered, we would request to delete and we reserve the right to claim any compensation for any damages or losses.
Apart from the information of the merchandise, they are all personal comments and NOT official. Please kindly inform us if there are any mistakes in the information. Thank you!
The copyright of “Digimon/Digital Monsters” belongs to ©本郷あきよし・東映アニメーション / ©BANDAI.