Digimon Tamers Mouse Pad

Product Name:數碼暴龍03 滑鼠墊
English Translation of Product Name:Digimon Tamers Mouse Pad
Category:Stationery (Hong Kong)
Price: Not for sale
Released Date:Year 2001
Released Region:Hong Kong
Note:Free gift of Hong Kong comic magazineCO-CO!

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Mouse pad for advertising the manga of Digimon Tamers is serializing, with the catch copy“New Adventure in Digital World!!!”
The illustration shows the three main characters Takato, Henry and Rika with their partner Digimon Guilmon, Terriermon and Renamon,
and is drawn by Mr. Yu Yuen Wong(余遠鍠), who had serialized comics for Digimon series in comic magazine《CO-CO!》.
The word“Not for sale”is stated at the right hand corner.

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